Saturday, November 30, 2019
Luxembourg Essays (1014 words) - National Symbols Of Luxembourg
Luxembourg Location Luxembourg is located in Europe and is bordered by Belgium, Germany and France. On a map, it is located at 50 N latitude and 6 E longitude. Luxembourg is very small. It is only 998 square miles, which is roughly the size of Orange County, California. All the country is inhabited, with most people living in the southern part. The Flag The flag of Luxembourg was adopted in 1845. The colors come from the Coat of Arms of Luxembourg and are red, white and blue. The flag is simply three horizontal stripes from top to bottom. The Land and People Luxembourg has two distinct regions. The Ardennes, or northern region, is mountainous. The Bon Pays, or southern region, is mostly fertile farmland. The climate is cool and moist, with snow in the mountains. There are rich deposits of iron ore creating many jobs in the steel industry. There is also fertile farmland to the south, also creating many jobs in farming. The people of Luxembourg have no native costume. They borrow much of their cultur e from Belgium, Germany, and France. Today, modern Luxembourgers dress like other Europeans. The people of Luxembourg like to eat smoked pork and beans, and sometimes saurkraut. Smoked ham is available all year round, and pastries are a Luxembourg favorite. Some of these pastries include rolls, muffins, cupcakes, and a special dry cake translated "Random Thoughts". Luxembourg makes beer and wine which is sold there and in other nearby countries. The buildings in Luxembourg vary from place to place. Some villages have charming old houses hundreds of years old, though in the cities there are many modern apartment and office buildings. For recreation, a Luxembourger might ride a bike, or hike in the countryside. A favorite sport of the people is volleyball. For transportaion they have railroads and highways for cars and buses. There are bike trails and hiking paths as well. Luxembourg doesn't have a culture all its own, because it ties in with its neighboring countries, Belgium, German y, and France. The natural resources of Luxembourg are: iron ore, which is processed into steel, farm products such as wheat, corn and livestock, and grapes which are grown for winemaking. Technology The main industries of Luxembourg are steel and winemaking. Farming is also an important industry, especially with such crops as corn, wheat and livestock. The steel is exported and crops are exported, as well as used in Luxembourg. Also the wine made in Luxembourg is exported and sold there. Culture There is a lot of culture in Luxembourg. There are many art galleries featuring work from the expressionist painter, Joseph Kutter, and also that of Edward Steichen, a well known photographer. Both of these artists are from Luxembourg. The cathedrals are examples of some of the beautiful architecture found in Luxembourg. In the villages, there are buildings dating back to the 1100's, 1300's, 1700's, as well as the early 1900's. A trip through the villages is like taking a trip through time because of these old homes that are still lived in. As far as music, every village, suburb and town has at least a band, orchestra or choral group. Luxembourgers love parades, and have them often. Every parade has at least half a dozen bands. Their enjoyment of music is so great, that at the end of every summer, Luxembourg has a music competition that involves the whole country. Government The government of Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy. The grand duke or duchess serves as monarch and chief executive. The monarchy is a hereditary office, and the sixty-four member parliament, called the Chamber of Deputies, makes the laws. The monarch appoints the prime minister and all of the ten Cabinet ministers to carry out government operations. The twenty-one member advisory body, or the Council of State, are appointed for life. The local government is carried out by dividing Luxembourg into districts, which are headed by the commissioner. The districts are divided into cantons, and these are divided into communes, which are headed by elected officials. The monarch presently in charge is Grand Duke Jean, who has been in power since 1964. Jacques Santer has been the Premier of Luxembourg since 1984. The monarch's term
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How decisions reveal our identity
How decisions reveal our identity Introduction Decision-making is an important aspect in human life since it enables people to focus on the way forward. Social psychologists posit that through decision-making, we are able to study how people perceive the world around them, their feelings, emotions as well as behaviors and actions. Scholars of psychology reveal that human actions come at play due to mental states and the immediate social conditions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How decisions reveal our identity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Whatever an individual expresses in form of a thought, consist of long-term experiences. Decisions are manifestations of culture, which vary from one society to another. Rarely does a person come up with a new idea without having learned or acquired it. It is not surprising to observe that various groups tend to behave differently because they hold diverse believes and share something in common which is usual ly historical. Decisions are made to solve certain problems. Furthermore, problems differ from places to places. Africans face problems that are different from those of other races. Equally, Europeans have different problems that call for specific decisions to solve them. Each decision maker has some considerations when coming up with solutions. The solutions made tend to tell the race or ethnic group of the maker. This paper analyzes how our decisions can reveal our ethnic or racial grouping. Intrapersonal phenomena Intrapersonal communication refers to the process by which an individual evaluates him/her self before coming up with an idea. It refers to thought process where a person engages his/her wits in decision-making. The process determines the kind of attitude possessed by an individual. An attitude is defined as a learned, worldwide assessment of an individual, object, place or issue that determines thought process or behavior. They are what an individual likes or dislikes. People from particular regions are known to be having certain attitudes, which are different from those of others. For instance, in an interview, Africans prefer not to have eye contacts with interviewers as it shows rudeness to the seniors. Americans on the other hand believe that avoidance of eye contact shows some aspects of criminality in an individual (Jarrett, Mbalia, and Lee 238). Attitudes have strong influence to the life of an individual since if not handled, can lead to bias. Individuals attempt to evaluate other people’s decisions using their culture as yardstick. Some attitudes are intrinsic meaning that they are inborn in an individual. People from a particular environment tend to portray same attitudes that affect their decision-making processes. Attitudes are acquired through the process of socialization. This implies that a child learns how to solve problems right away from childhood. For instance, Africans are usually taught how to deal with situations with out consulting extensively. This explains why there are many despots and oligarchs in the African continent. It has to do with traditional African culture, which discourages consultation.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Persuasion is another feature of intrapersonal trend that determines an individual’s decision-making process. It guides an individual towards acceptance of a particular attitude, thought and action through a rational technique. Persuasion is a concept that is reliant on appeals as opposed to force. Persuasion varies from one person to another. Some races or ethnic groups are easily persuaded as opposed to others. The white race is highly opinionated since it always wants to dominate any argument. In this case, it has a higher persuasive power and this explains why whites are preferred when making decisions aimed at increasing sales in an organization. The Asian race is patient and tactical. Furthermore, Africans are easily convinced by popular policies while the white race believes in facts that is, truth speaks for itself. Social cognition Social cognition pertains to the way people view themselves as well as others. Human beings tend to evaluate themselves in relation to others when engaging in decision-making. Within this topic is the subtopic referred to as attribution. Attribution is concerned with how an individual explains a particular behavior. People attach actions to certain variables, which can be either internal or external. Internal variables are to be found within a person including individuality and capacity of doing something. Outside variables consist of the external environment, which is known to influence decision-making in people. Heuristics is a social disorder that emanates from social cognition. It is a situation where an individual decides to use a short cut in obtaining something. Such individuals fear t he process of bureaucracy or any other factor that causes delay in acquisition of wanted goods or services. People of this kind usually want to get rich faster and are extremely ambitious in their lives. They perceive everything to be easy meaning that they always desire to win. In cases of disappointments, they do not accept the reality of the matter and instead go ahead to apply tricks. The same individuals are biased as regards to decision-making. In the modern world, Chinese have been accused of applying tricks to topple other states in the international financial system. This gives a good example of how decisions can tell where an individual comes from. There is another form of bias referred in psychology as confirmation bias. A social disorder may affect accurate decision-making process because a certain individual may aim at proving something. Labeling is one such problem that makes individuals to confirm what they are said to be.Advertising We will write a custom ess ay sample on How decisions reveal our identity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Africans have always been branded as drug addicts, slave laborers and criminals. Some young Africans grow up knowing that they are drug addicts. Later on in life, such youngsters go out of their way to prove what they are said to be. This has occurred not only to Africans but also to other races around the world. It is evident that some historical aspects and injustices can inform individual decisions. Many Africans engage in drugs not because they like sedatives but because the society wants them to be addicts. Social Influence This refers to other people’s influences to one’s life. Individuals tend to conform to societal norms after sometime. Thereafter, individuals follow the way people do things in the society. This happens when individuals migrate to foreign lands. In the US today, many groups can be identified with certain behavior that are un ique and special. The groups promise to abide by the set laws and cooperate in achieving common goals and values. People tend to like similar foods, cloths and fashions with original make. This kind of living is not safe as regards to state culture because it generates animosity and hatred. People decide to join ethnic groups in order to benefit from services offered and to be accepted generally (Nasir 48). In the US, the Chinese have established a strong culture and taste, leading to formation of Chinatown. Group Dynamics A group is a collection of persons linked to each other by strong societal relations. Such groups interrelate, influence the actions of one another and have a common history. The groups set specific norms, roles and relations, which are to be followed strictly. Groups confer identity to its members. Furthermore, it augments an individual’s self-concept. In many parts of the country, groups have been seen to improve decision-making. They come in handy during the times of crisis mainly to arbitrate on cases. Members tend to treat group decisions with utmost trust implying that they cannot change such decisions easily. However, groups are not to be trusted since they slow down decision-making processes. Sometimes, members of a group do not explore all options since decisions are reached at without extensive consultations. Relying on group discussions have caused major hiccups in decision-making processes. Conclusion In the modern society, groups identify themselves using social media. Some groups are difficult to note because their identity is not readily available. It is possible to know which group a person comes from through analyzing his/her decisions. Decisions are usually uniform among members of same groups. Changes are usually minimal in order to preserve group identity. While some groups are helpful, the majority are destructive since they promote ethnicity or racism. The state cannot move forward unless the problem of tribalism is tackled from all angles.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Group formation should be encouraged only when it benefits the state that is, aims at unifying the public. A tribal clash is the worst form of conflict that should never be witnessed in the world because of its extreme effects. There should be a way of bringing groups together in order to achieve national integration and harmony. Jarrett, Joyce, Mbalia, Doreatha and Lee Margaret. Heritage: African American readings for writers. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall: Allyn Bacon, 2001. Nasir, Naqvi. The Role of Emotion in Decision Making: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10.1111, 2006.
Friday, November 22, 2019
SAT Test Dates 2018-2019
SAT Test Dates 2018-2019 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Here at PrepScholar, we use the best data to inform you about what the testing schedule, registration deadlines, and score release dates will look like in the future.When choosing your test date, you should consider a number of factors - knowing exactly when the test will happen is vital for your planning.(If you're looking for something more recent, here's the information for previous years and for this school year.) In this article, I’ll give you the 2018-2019 SAT test datesand go over somefactors to think about when picking your test date. SAT Test Dates for the 2018-2019 School Year The listed test dates have been released by the College Board, but they’re still subject to change. The registration and score release dates are our estimations from general patterns from previous years. Test Date Normal Registration Late Registration Score Release Aug 25, 2018 Jul 27, 2018 Aug 10, 2018 Sept 13, 2018 Oct 6, 2018 Sep 7, 2018 Sep 21, 2018 Oct 25, 2018 Nov 3, 2018 Oct 5, 2018 Oct 19, 2018 Nov 22, 2018 Dec 1, 2018 Nov 2, 2018 Nov 16, 2018 Dec 20, 2018 Mar 9, 2019 Feb 8, 2019 Feb 22, 2019 Mar 28, 2019 May 4, 2019 Apr 5, 2019 Apr 19, 2019 May 23, 2019 Jun 1, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 17, 2019 June 20, 2019 How Accurate Is the Table Above? The test dates are the anticipated dates provided by the College Board, and the registration and score release dates are our estimations. Even though all the dates are likely to be correct, the test dates dates may be somewhat more reliable because they are provided by the College Board. However, the test dates won’t be confirmed until the summer of 2018. If any of the dates change, they’ll probably be a week earlier or later than the anticipated date. You can use these dates to help determine when you'll take the SAT. If you know your available options, you can select the date that works best with your schedule and take into account the time you need to prepare for the test. How to Choose Your Test Date Here are some important factors to consider when selecting your SAT test date: Make Sure You Know Your Deadlines! Take your SAT early enough that your score can arrive before any deadlines. If you apply regular decision, the December test in your senior year will be the last test you can take for most colleges. If you apply early, the last test you can take may be in October or November of your senior year. Additonally, scholarships have deadlines. If you want to apply for any scholarships that consider your SAT score, you’ll need to have your test score before the scholarship deadlines. I recommend allowing two months to receive your scores. How Many Times Do You Want to Take the SAT? Most students improve when they retake the SAT, soyou want to give yourself an opportunity to take the test multiple times. We recommend first taking the SAT in the fall of your junior year. Then you can retake it in the spring of your junior year and the fall of your senior year if necessary. How Long Do You Plan to Study? When selecting your test date, you want to make sure to give yourself enough time to prepare. Get an estimate of how long you’ll need to study and make sure you’ll be able to fully prepare before you take the test. If you take both the November and December tests without doing any studying in between, your score probably won’t improve much. Do You Have Conflicts With Any Test Dates? Check to see if you have any potential conflicts on or around any of the SAT test dates. Maybe the December date is on the same day as your speech and debate competition. Perhaps you want to avoid the June test date because you’ll be focusing on preparing for finals. It may be difficult to find a time when you can fully devote yourself to the SAT, but you should try to pick the best test dates for you. What's Next? Not sure what your score goal should be? Find out what SAT score you need for college. Also, learn who uses SAT scoresso you can determine if you really need to take the test. (Unfortunately, you probably do.) Finally, read this article on how much the SAT costsso you can plan financially as well. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
To what extent is Wordsworth a typical romantic Essay
To what extent is Wordsworth a typical romantic - Essay Example The Romantic Period’s exact origin could not be exactly identified by Lomard, but she averred that it ended in 1837, only 13 years before Wordsworth died. It can be clearly deduced that Wordsworth was a literary poet during the Romantic period: â€Å"a movement that championed imagination and emotions as more powerful than reason and systematic thinking†(Cummings, 2008). The topics for his poetry were diverse, but the Poet Hunter site (n.d.) described the universal appeal of Wordsworth’s peoms through the poet’s own words of what the role of poetry was to him: â€Å"what he called "the most philosophical of all writing" whose object is "truth...carried alive into the heart by passion" (Poet Hunter, par. 5). Through his own perception and the value by which he defined poetry, Wordsworth was a true romantic. Technically, a romantic is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as â€Å"marked by the imaginative or emotional appeal of what is heroic, adventurous, remote, mysterious, or idealize†(par. 4). All the characteristics and traits depicted in the definition are manifested by Wordsworth.In the poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the poet expressed admiration for the beauty and radiant colors of daffodils, especially from afar. The simplicity and effective description of Wordsworth using imagination, metaphors and other figures of speech were eminent. There was also the element of alliteration when Wordsworth wrote: â€Å"Beside the lake, beneath the trees†(Literature Network: I Wandered, par. 1).... There was simile as the narrator compared his solitary stance to a cloud – far and distant but overseeing. There was personification as the narrator depicted the cloud’s similarity to a human being (through the title of the poem); and the daffodils were compared to a crowd: â€Å"When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils†(Literature Network: I Wandered, par. 1). There was also the element of alliteration when Wordsworth wrote: â€Å"Beside the lake, beneath the trees†(Literature Network: I Wandered, par. 1). There was a formed pattern and structure: four stanzas of six lines each; and rhyme: the first line rhymes with the third and the second with the fourth. As interpreted by Cummings (2008), â€Å"Wordsworth unifies the content of the poem by focusing the first three stanzas on the experience at the lake and the last stanza on the memory of that experience†(par. 13). The profound themes focused on the beauty of nature through flowers that grow in multitude, radiant by the sea side. Further, in one’s solitude, one gets the chance to reflect on the beauty that abounds in the natural environment. Sometimes, it takes being alone to truly appreciate the beauty around us. This poem truly manifests Wordsworth as a romantic in expressing his imagination and emotions through the beauty of nature. There is the sense of romantic appeal in expressing delight and adoration for natural beauty in simple things that people could normally forget to truly appreciate. The poem Anecdote for Fathers, Wordsworth clearly manifested his being a romantic through the bonding shared between father and son. The poem shows a defined structure with 15 stanzas and four lines each. Syllabication
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Kosovo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Kosovo - Essay Example Thorough investigations will be carried out to find the technical process that goes behind in making these visual designs. The investigation also explores the successful factors of using visual designs, such as logos and identifying their processes, techniques and development. In contrast the not so effective visual designs will also be investigated, to find out what went wrong in the process and development. For this project it was essential to undertake a motive and start experimenting to what can be done with visual design. Moreover to see the impact of how these techniques change the perception of a country. The chosen country for this experiment is Kosovo. Kosovo proved to be more of a challenge to experiment with as many still view Kosovo as a war torn country. The experiment on designing for Kosovo is an attempt to replicate the development and effort that goes behind branding to engage the audience to a visual design. 1. Definition of Visual Design Visual design is not about what the message is through the word. The design is supposed to show both emotions and visuals. The graphics elements must incorporate visual art skills prior to any graphic elements are applied to a design. Visual art includes works which are primarily visual in nature using anything from traditional media to state of the art logo design. Majority of basic visual design concept include colour, contrast, typography, composition, lie, texture, space and shape. Lines are used to guide the viewer thought a composition also the use of type in a visual design can add visual interest. A logo is a name or trademark of a company. Logos are used by companies o represent a concise image of the company. Our eyes are drawn to visual objects; people generally find it easier to remember a simple image over works alone. A logo is also graphical mark that’s used to identify an organization, company, production or brand even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. A logo ca n either be purely graphic as a symbol/Icon or it can be composed of the name of the company/brand etc. 2. The importance of visual design and their effects in nation branding Visual design symbolizes the establishment and provides a quality image, representing one of the missed elements needed the nations’ nation branding factors. Either the country doesn’t have one or it isn’t good enough. The research conducted will provide some in depth details of the process that is done in the background on how to make a logo that can help Kosovo stand out it a fears completion when it comes to branding. There are countries, cities and tourist resorts that are facing increasing competitions to attract tourists, possibly inhabitants and various companies to visit their regions or to promote exports, according to Teemu Moilanen and Seppo Rainisto (2009). Figures compiled by Teemu Moilanen and Seppo Rainisto, show that there are more than 300 cities in the world with over a m illion inhabitants. Most of the cities want to stand out from the other competing cities, in terms of attracting the tourists to visit the city’s tourist attractions. Indeed there is more to branding a country than visual design. However, the visual design is the first step to promoting the country at its core. 3. The successes and failures of visual identities The destinations that are going to be investigated for this research are four distinct country tourism destinations. The research
Saturday, November 16, 2019
European nations Essay Example for Free
European nations Essay 1. Analysis of data collected from these sources has led researches to conclusively establish the fact of huge wealth gap existing in US society along with establishing the trends in the wealth distribution over almost past 80 years. Studies indicate that in the period 1915-1925, though the wealth gap was large per se, it was more equally distributed than the gap existing in European nations. Wealth inequality, thereafter, continued to rise from 1930s to 1960s, until reaching its peak in 1962 when top 1 percent of wealth owners owned nearly 35 percent of the total wealth and top 5 percent wealth owner had control over more than 80 percent of the total wealth. Further research suggests that where the total wealth of all the Americans has rom 1960 to 1990s, the gap between mean and median wealth has also increased considerably, indicating towards widening inequality in wealth. The gap appeared to decrease through rest of 60s and 70s due to various social welfare and income generation programs launched by government. In this period the share of top 1 percent of wealth owners declined to 19 percent from previous high of 30 percent. However, by 1980 it again started to climb, reaching to peak in 1990s when the former sharp inequality was restored. Research from Danziger et al 1989, Wolff 1993 and many other economists and social scientists show that from 1983 to 1989, share of top 0.5 percent of wealth holders increased by 5 percent. This rise becomes especially conspicuous in the face of corresponding decline in wealth of poorest 80 percent of population by 2 percentage point in the same period. Further, the bulk of growth in net wealth for the period from 1983 to 1989 took place in top 10 percent of wealth owners, strengthening the idiom that ‘Rich gets richer and poor get poorer’. By 1990s, wealth distribution in US had become much more skewed and in favor of the elite group than European nations. Meanwhile the advent of Information Technology and a dot-com revolution created class of neo-riches that further skewed the wealth map of United states. Wealth distribution from 1989-2001 Implementation of new technology, globalization, and Internet revolution created new set of Internet multi-millionaires, while taking the stock of many existing corporations over many fold. The new model of income generation also had significant on wealth distribution in American society. Following table indicates family wealth generation and distribution for period from 1989-2001. Figure1- Family distribution of wealth As the table shows, for the period between 1989-2001, all families in higher income group has shown significant increase in percentage point. Also, it is evident from table that for the same period, the percentage of poorer families lost out in almost all the segment, registering decline in their wealth holding. An interesting revelation about nature of wealth gap emerges from study of wealth distribution among the lowest 90 percent of wealth holders (Figure 2). It can be seen for this group that the overall pattern of unequal wealth distribution holds true even at macro levels; among the lowest 90 percent population, the lowest 50 percent are allocated mere 3 percent of the total wealth. Reasons of Wealth Gap Economists have tried to definitively ascertain unequal wealth distribution and wealth gap that has almost historically existed in every society. Presently, economists look at the issue of unequal distribution of wealth from macro and micro perspective-the first dealing with implication of wealth at overall national scale, and second looking on personal and family role in wealth distribution. The macro analysis states that it is in nature of wealth to increase itself. Wealthy people possess stocks, bonds, shares, equities and other capital stock whose values tend to increase with time and thus it creates additional wealth for them, by the mere virtue of its presence. The micro analysis states that individual effort, family work abilities and cooperation also increases income and consequently wealth. As wealthy families have already better resources and opportunities to invest them, they stand to gain more even in this process of wealth creation. As a solution, government can take measures to ensure that even though wealth gap may exist, there should be a minimum upgrade in income and wealth possession of people from all the income group, to give society a more equitable appearance and standing. Reference Lisa A. Keister , and Moller, S. 2000. Wealth Inequality in the United States . Journal-Annual Review of Sociology. Chandrika Kaul and Valerie Tomaselli-Moschovitis. Statistical Handbook on Consumption and Wealth in the United States ,; Oryx Press, 1999. 296 pgs. Arthur B. Kennickell. A Rolling Tide. Changes in the distribution of wealth in US. 1989-2001. Survey of Consumer Finances. Available on line on 17. 12. 2007.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Women in Science, Math, and Engineering Essay -- Work Careers Papers
Women in Science, Math, and Engineering The statistics can be somewhat startling, while women receive 56% of BA degrees in the United States, they receive only 37% of the Science, Mathematics, and Engineering (SME) bachelor degrees (Chang, 1). As scary as the statistics on women are, they only point to an even bigger problem among all SME majors. According to one study, there is a 40% decline in the number of undergraduate science majors between the first and senior year of college (Didon, 336). Another study found that about 50% of the students who enter college in SME majors will change their major in two years (Change, 1). In a study of Hispanic American women who declared physical science or mathematics majors, 50% drop out within the first grading period (Ortiz, 1). The lack of SME majors has often been blamed on America’s high schools or even elementary schools, with university professors claiming students are not encouraged to consider science careers or are unprepared by their high school teachers. The stati stics tell another story, no matter which specific numbers you consider, 50% in two years or 40% in their college careers, students are getting turned off from SME careers while in college, not high school. And the problem isn’t just with women; men are fleeing the sciences as well. This decline in SME majors couldn’t be coming at a worse time. Studies show the U.S. will need 1.9 millions science workers over the next ten years (Chang, 1). All SME fields, especially physics, saw a rise in prestige, funding, demand, and research areas during the middle of the twentieth century. The space race was a major boost to the sciences as America saw the importance of a scientific education and scientific research. Ma... ...h Effective Mentoring. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, 1996. Farrell, Elizabeth F. â€Å"Engineering a Warmer Welcome for Female Students.†The Chronicle of Higher Education. February 22, 2002. students p 31. Ortiz, Flora Ida. â€Å"The Recruitment and Retention Patterns of Hispanic American Women in College. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Montreal, Canada, April 11-15, 1983). Seymour, Elaine. â€Å"’The Problem Iceberg’ in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education. Student Explanations for High Attrition Rates.†Journal of College Science Teaching. 21, 4. February 1992, p 230-238. Seymour, Elaine and Nancy Hewitt. Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Boulder: Westview Press. 1997. Tobias, Shelia. They’re Not Dumb, They’re Different. Tuscon, AZ: Research Corp. 1990.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Contemporary Issue Of Bullying Education Essay
The modern-day issue I have focused upon in this assignment is Strong-arming. This is a prevailing issue in today ‘s society. I feel this is of great importance particularly with the concerns originating from recent research into the effects of strong-arming. This research indicates that strong-arming can hold societal, physical and psychological effects on pupils every bit good as on their academic success.What is strong-armingBullying is a societal phenomenon that is non easy to specify. It is a behavior that can be either be physical/verbal or direct/indirect. A bully is defined in the dictionary as â€Å" a individual, who hurts, intimidates or persecutes person who is perceived to be different or weaker †. The Government defines strong-arming as ‘Behaviour by an person or group, normally repeated over clip, that deliberately hurts another person or group either physically or emotionally ‘ . Dan Olweus a taking expert in this field has a similar definition to the authoritiess and he asserts that â€Å" A pupil is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over clip, to negative action on the portion of one or more other pupil ‘ ( Olweus, 1993 p.9 ) The most widely used definition nevertheless is one that is developed by Olweus ( 993 ) and extended by Whitney and Smith ( 1993, p.7 ) : †We say a kid or immature individual is being bullied, or picked on when another kid or immature individual, or a group of kids or immature people, say awful and unpleasant things to him or her. It is besides strong-arming when a kid or a immature individual is hit, kicked, threatened, locked inside a room, sent awful notes, when no- one of all time negotiations to them and things like that. These things can go on often and it is hard for the kid or the immature individual being bullied to support himself or herself. It is besides strong-arming when a kid or immature individual is teased repeatedly in a awful manner. But it is non strong-arming when two kids or immature people of about the same strength have the uneven battle or wrangle †.Different type of strong-armingThe word intimidation is used to depict many diffident types of vi olent or intimidating behavior. Bullying is surely non easy to sort but here are the chief types that have been identified. The first is verbal strong-arming which is the most common intimidation harmonizing to research. Childline reported that 56 per centum of kids that rang about intimidation called about verbal intimidation. This type of strong-arming includes name naming and dish the dirting. Name naming is the most prevailing signifier of strong-arming harmonizing to most surveies. One kid in the Childline research for 2007/08 declared â€Å" I am being bullied at school and experience no 1 likes me. I am ever running to conceal or shout on my ain because I ‘m called names and am pulled at. I feel self-destructive but I wo n't make it †. The 2nd is physical strong-arming which involves the usage of physical force such as striking and forcing. This type of intimidation is considered to be direct because it is deliberately focussed at the victim. In 2007/08 Childline reported that 53 per centum of kids and immature people that called about intimidation reported physical intimidation. It can be identified through physical marks such as bodily harm although physical intimidation does non ever average hurt. Physical intimidation can be a manner of seeking to mortify the victim and show power over them. The 3rd is indirect verbal intimidation and this sort of strong-arming involves hurtful and untruthful remarks behind the victims back. It can include spreading of rumors, letters or notes or even graffitos. The last is Cyber-bullying which is the newest signifier of strong-arming identified and has become a concern in recent old ages. This is a technology-enabled intimidation and involves strong-arming by agencies of confab suites, instant messing, nomadic phones or even electronic mails. Research initiated as a portion of the DCSF cyber-bullying run highlighted that 30 four per centum of 12-15 twelvemonth olds reported being capable to cyber-bullying. Similarly research carried out by Goldsmiths College for the Anti-bullying Alliance found that 20 two per centum of 11-16 twelvemonth olds had fallen victims to cyber-bullying.PrevalenceAssorted surveies have been undertaken on this topic but because of the topics sensitive nature it is difficult to find solid, valid and dependable st atistics. The research being completed nevertheless does foreground the true extent of the intimidation job in the schoolroom scene. Bullying is a modern-day issue with the first national study on this topic being conducted comparatively late. Kidscape ‘s conducted the national study between the old ages of 1984 and 1986 utilizing a sample of 4000 kids ages 5 to 12. The study revealed the extent of the job. The study showed that 68 % of the kids had been bullied at least one time, 39 per centum had been bullied at least twice and 0.5 % of those kids felt it had affected their lives that well that they tried to perpetrate self-destruction. Recent research besides suggests that the job is still outstanding in the school scene. Harmonizing to one recent survey, one-fifth of primary school students and a one-fourth of students in Year 8 perceived intimidation as a ‘big job ‘ in their school. A ulterior study by ChildLine showed that 15 per cent of primary school kids and 12 per cent of secondary school kids said they had bullied in the last twelvemonth ( ChildLine2004 ) . In another survey, 50 per cent of badly bullied male childs said that they bully others, as did 33 per cent of badly bullied misss. Childline the national helpline for kids received between the months of April 2000 to process 2001 about 20,300 calls from kids and immature people concerned about intimidation. Kidscape another helpline believes it receives more that 16,000 calls from parents each twelvemonth concerned about their kids acquiring bullied. Research has besides suggested that Cyber-bullying which is the newest identified signifier of intimidation is going a major job. The figure of Cyber-bullying instances is on the rise ( Noret and Rivers, 2006 ) . A survey by National Centre for Social Research released to co-occur with November 2009 Anti-bullying hebdomad revealed that Cyber-bullying is now one of the commonest signifiers of intimidation in school. The Longitudinal survey tracked 15,000 students who had their fourteenth birthday in 2004. The research besides pointed out that 47 % of 14-year-olds, 41 % of 15-year-olds and 29 % of 16-year-olds reported being bullied. Disabled kids and kids with particular educational demands were besides found to be more likely marks. This coincides with other such research that shows SEN kids or kids with disablements are 2 to 3 times more likely to be bullied ( Smith, 2007 ) The Longitudinal survey besides showed that kids who reported being bullied went on to accomplish on mean 2 GC SE classs lower so kids who were non bullied and were more likely to drop out of instruction at 16. This research is worrying and provides grounds of the damaging effects strong-arming can hold.Effectss of Strong-armingStrong-arming can hold all kinds of effects on kids so it is of import that intimidation is tackled caput on. The DfEE provinces that ‘The emotional hurt caused by strong-arming in whatever signifier – be it racial, or as a consequence of a kid ‘s visual aspect, behavior or particular educational demands, or related to sexual orientation, can prejudice school accomplishment, lead to lateness or hooky, and in utmost instances, terminal with self-destruction. ‘ ( DfEE, 1999: 24-25 ) . Vernon Coaker the schools curate besides asserted at the event for Anti-Bullying Week that â€Å" Bullying, in any signifier, should non be tolerated. It can destruct lives and have a permanent impact on immature people ‘s assurance, self-esteem and emotiona l development. †Research has indicated that strong-arming can non merely consequence academic accomplishment, it has besides been linked with low self-prides, anxiousness, impaired concentration, hooky, depression and self-destructive ideas. Kidscape performed the first of all time study of grownups with the purpose of happening out if intimidation had any permanent effects. The study which was funded by the national lottery and proved that being severely bullied as a kid had knock on affects. 46 % about half of the study population contemplated suicide compared with 7 % of those who were non bullied. Most of the grownups surveyed had small or no aid at the clip of the incidents.Undertaking school intimidationThe Government in recent old ages has emphasised that undertaking the job of intimidation is a chief precedence of theirs. The Government in 1999 said it was a legal duty for all schools to hold an anti intimidation policy in topographic point. Legislation places a responsibility on the caput i nstructor to implement an anti intimidation policy and provinces that schools must promote regard for others and forestall all signifiers of strong-arming among pupils.A Government counsel to boot states that the policy should be reviewed yearly and that every member of the school community ( including kids, immature people, carers and parents ) should be involved in this reappraisal. Each school is in charge of planing their ain policy with the aid from Department for Children, Schools and Families ( DCSF ) . The DCSF aid schools to plan schemes and effectual anti -bullying policy to undertake strong-arming caput on. They do this by supplying really comprehensive counsel paperss and have regional advisors on manus who have expertise in this country to assist implement their counsel. Schools have a legal duty to guarantee steps are in topographic point to turn to intimidation: Head instructors must implement a policy as a preventive step against strong-arming in conformity with the Human Rights Act 1998. The Standards & A ; Frameworks Acts ( 1998 ) states that all schools are required by jurisprudence to hold an anti-bullying policy. Schools have statutory liability sing behaviors of students under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998: ‘the caput teacher shall find steps to be taken with a position to aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ be promoting good behavior and regard for others on the portion of students and, in peculiar, forestalling all signifiers of strong-arming among students ‘ . Article 28 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child provinces that strong-arming policy should be in topographic point in each school and every kid should cognize what to make if they find them self in the state of affairs where they are being bullied. Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 provinces what is required of the regulating organic structures in relation to the well-being of the students in their school: ‘The regulating organic structure of a kept up school shall do agreements for guaranting that their maps associating to the behavior of the school are exercised with a position to safeguarding and advancing the public assistance of kids who are students at the school. ‘ The Education Act 2002 lays down out two purposes for the national course of study, whereby schools must do certain that it ‘provides chances for all students to larn and accomplish ‘ and ‘promotes the religious, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students at the school and of society, and prepares students at the school for the chances, duties and experiences of ulterior life ‘ . The DfES handbill, Social Inclusion: Pupil Support Circular lineations authorities outlooks and the legal responsibility of caput instructors with respect to strong-arming The National Health School Guidance asserts that it is necessary that schools have ‘a policy and codification of pattern for undertaking intimidation, which is owned, understood and implemented by all members of the school community and includes contact with external support bureaus ‘ . Under the Race Relations ( Amendment ) Act 2000 schools are required to advance race equality. Children ‘s Act ( 2004 ) sets out five results that professionals should work towards. These are to ; Be Healthy ; Stay Safe ; Enjoy and achieve ; Make a positive part and Achieve economic wellbeing. Safe to Learn: implanting anti-bullying work in schools is the new overarching anti-bullying counsel for schools which was introduced in September 2007. The safe to larn counsel includes advice on intimidation. In add-on to this Ofsted ‘s model for inspecting schools provinces that inspectors must measure and give an history on the magnitude and grade of intimidation, racism and other signifiers of torment. They must besides describe on the schools prosperity at covering with strong-arming incidents and expression at the schools dealingss with parents. Schools are non instantly responsible for strong-arming that takes topographic point outside of the educational scene but their anti-bullying policy should do it cognize that stairss are in consequence to react to such incidents. The Government publicised two anti-bullying counsel paperss on 15 April 2009. These paperss gave advice on how to undertake strong-arming outside of the schoolroom scene. Versions of the counsel paperss were besides for local governments, young person workers, college staff, drama workers, conveyance suppliers and kids ‘s places. Despite all of this there is no jurisprudence which states that Scots schools must hold a specific anti-bullying policy. However there have been paperss such as â€Å" Action Against Bullying †distributed to Scottish schools in 1992 that recommend that they should implement a policy. Scots local governments have approved of this recommendation but it is n't truly plenty.Other available aidEqually good as the statute law and counsel paperss there are other avenues of support and counsel. Schools for one can plight their commitment to undertaking intimidation by subscribing up to the Anti-bullying charter whereby there can self-assess their intimidation policy. An anti-bullying hebdomad is besides held every twelvemonth by the Anti-bullying Alliance The anti strong-arming Alliance was established in July 2002 by NSPCC and NCB, it has combined 68 administrations into one association. Their purpose is to cut down intimidation and make a safe environment for which kids can analyze. Anti strong-arming hebdomads purpose is to raise consciousness of intimidation and the issues that surround it. This twelvemonth ‘s Anti-Bullying Week was focused on undertaking cyber-bullying. Sue Steel, National Manager of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, said on the 2009 anti-bullying hebdomad that: â€Å" It is really encouraging that the Government is making so much to do Anti-Bullying Week a existent success. We all need to work in partnership to guarantee kids, immature people and their parents are cognizant of the hazards of cyber intimidation and cognize how to forestall it †There are besides assorted web sites to assist both parents and grownups such as the DirectGovA web site which has plentifulness of advice for immature people concerned about intimidation. Parentline Plus has a helpline for parents, provides support through the Be Someone to Tell web page and a web site for parental advice on covering with intimidation of their kid. A comprehensive list of administrations that provide both aid and support refering intimidation is available in AnnexA I of the overarching Safe to larn counsel.Developing a whole-school attackThe whole school attack is recommended by the DfES and plants by prosecuting affecting the whole school community from students and instructors to staff, carers and parents. This attack works by affecting everyone and making a model that endorses shared beliefs and values that help to antagonize and cut down strong-arming efficaciously. The model sets out stairss to rede and pull off incidents of intimidation. The DfES recommends es tablishing this whole-school policy in four stages: consciousness and audience, execution, monitoring and rating. The policy should take to: Ensure that the whole school community understands strong-arming and what is meant by strong-arming. Make it apprehensible that strong-arming will non be accepted inside or outside of the school scene. Create an effectual system to cover with strong-arming incidents that enables kids to easy describe strong-arming happenings. Ensure that all incidents reported are investigated earnestly and the steps in topographic point are acted upon in response. That clearly defined processs are in topographic point. Supply a systematic method of entering incidents that take topographic point this in bend can assist in measuring and reexamining policy. Have a equal support programme in topographic point. Continually reappraisal processs and policy and maintain the whole school community informed of any alterations or revamps.Anti-bullying Policy Case StudyIn my little instance survey I looked at 3 anti-bullying policy ‘s for schools in the Surrey country. I would foremost wish to observe that out of the 5 web sites I viewed, two did non hold any anti-bullying policy online. Anti- intimidation policy should be readily available for the school community and should be on-line for easy entree for the whole school community. I will turn to the schools as A, B and C. School A had a really comprehensive Anti-bullying scheme in topographic point utilizing the whole school attack. It clearly defined anti-bullying process in topographic point for kids staff and parents utilizing headers such as ‘guidance for kids ‘ . The Policy included an effectives system clearly saying each phase of process and utilizing the no blasted attack. School A besides asserted that all incidents would be recorded and used in farther instances if needed. The usage of a equal support scheme was besides in topographic point which seems to add to the policies effectiveness as these systems have been found to be effectual in cut downing the negative effects of strong-arming for victims. This policy was said to hold been reviewed in 2009 and was to be reviewed on a regular footing which once more seemed first-class pattern. School A ‘s policy was seemed precise and effectual utilizing the whole school community and in making so advancing a shared set of values and beliefs. The fact it is reviewed on a regular footing makes certainly the policy is fresh and effectual. This school besides had regular newssheets with any new updates on anti-bullying schemes or alterations in policy these were in bend clearly published online. School B ‘s policy had a clear precise definition of strong-arming but nevertheless it was non every bit comprehensive as School A. The policy did demo the process in topographic point and stated the support in topographic point for kids ; it nevertheless was aimed at staff and parents merely and did non affect the whole school community. The policy had clearly non been reviewed in some clip as it was dated May 2005 which is about 5 old ages ago and seemed outdated and forgotten. School C ‘s policy was merely shocking ; it consisted of a paragraph about the definition of intimidation and a list of behavior codifications. It did advance a shared value on the expected codifications of behavior but no set clear procedure in topographic point for covering of strong-arming for staff, kids or parents.Is the authorities ‘s scheme working?There is non much in the manner of research into this field and whether anti- intimidation policy is effectual or non. Bullying has decre ased somewhat since the old twelvemonth which could be a contemplation of the alteration in authorities policy and publicity of equal support but truly it is non a lessening in incidents. I conducted a little graduated table study of 8 learning helpers and instructors in schools around the UK to happen out whether they felt the authorities were making plenty in relation to intimidation.†U.KA authorities is making plenty for schools inA relation to strong-arming †A How make you experience about this statement?A Strongly AgreeA A 0A A 0 % A A AgreeA A 1A A 8 % A A NeutralA A 2A 17 % A A DisagreeA A 5A 42 % A A Strongly DisagreeA A 0A A 0 % A The consequences show that 42 % disagreed with the statement that the authorities was making plenty in relation to intimidation, 17 % were impersonal and 8 % agreed. This study merely indicates that people within the school context experience more can be done to halt intimidation. One participant even stated ‘There are anti strong-arming plans in topographic point at schools but the kids frequently do non come frontward. The Government could work with the schools to do it easier for kids to come frontward. ‘ Bullying UK ‘S CEO, John Carnell was reported stating â€Å" These figures are scandalous and show that the authorities and schools are merely non acquiring to grips with this job. Strong-arming UK was founded 10 old ages ago and the jobs we are seeing now are the same 1s we saw 10 old ages ago. Day in, twenty-four hours out, twelvemonth in, twelvemonth out, we are having precisely the same ailments from despairing parents and kids and it ‘s a dirt that there is no authorities support for the critical work we do which we know saves self-destructive kids ‘s lives. †In the Childline instance notes one counselor asserts â€Å" I do n't believe things have changed, †and â€Å" when you ask the kids whether there are anti-bullying policies the kids say yes, but it still makes you powerless. The frustrating thing is that we still receive so many calls about intimidation †What can schools make to undertake intimidation?Research has proven that the whole school attack is the most effectual scheme and recommended by the DfES. The whole school community should be involved in inventing and implementing an anti-bullying policy. It requires everyone to keep and recommend the criterions in the policy and act quickly when incidents occur. This attack promotes shared values and beliefs and enables a clear apprehension of the acceptable criterions of behavior. In Wales, Lambert, Scourfield, Smalley and Jones ( in imperativeness ) found a important association between lower degrees of intimidation, and students describing that the school had clea r regulations on intimidation. The jurisprudence does province that behavior policy should be publicised to the school community one time a twelvemonth although truly it should be communicated a batch more so this to review heads. Research has indicated that merely holding an anti-bullying policy entirely is non plenty. In order for a policy to be effectual it needs to be expeditiously implemented, reviewed and evaluated invariably. As for case one survey found that school-wide policies decline in effectivity over a 2-3 twelvemonth period, after which clip intimidation additions ( Sharp et al, 2002 ) . Smith states â€Å" Bullying is an on-going job, so a ‘one-off ‘ attempt over a term or a twelvemonth without continuance will hold small or no permanent impact †( Smith, 2004, p101 ) . Strong-arming policy should be reviewed on a regular basis and the whole school community should be involved in and notified of alterations. Children should hold a say in the policy as suggested by the DCSF. There are guidance paperss such as the Anti-Bullying Alliance resource Are you speaking to me? : Young People ‘s Engagement in Anti-Bullying. It is of import to prosecute kids and integrate their thoughts in the anti-bullying policy leting them to be an active portion of school life. There are a scope of suggested schoolroom activities to promote students to discourse anti-bullying policy. The Government has late made PSHE lessons compulsory and these are a perfect platform for discoursing intimidation and anti-bullying policy. The demand is to hold a comprehensive anti-bullying policy and schemes in topographic point. Not every school has a policy that is comprehensive and covers the extended intimidation types. For illustration, Adams, Cox & A ; Dunstan ( 2004 ) reported that out of 19 schools surveyed in the UK none of them specifically mentioned sexual orientation in the anti-bullying policies.What can the authorities do to undertake intimidation?There are a scope of things the authorities can still make to undertake intimidation. A statuary responsibility should be made on schools and instruction governments in Scotland to hold anti-bullying policy in topographic point. Scots Schools are non lawfully obliged to hold any policy or scheme in topographic point to antagonize strong-arming. Wales should besides hold regional advisers like England to rede schools about the effectual schemes against strong-arming including best pattern and how to make all an effectual anti-bullying policy. The authorities sho uld besides happen a manner of measuring anti-bullying policy in each school as holding this policy in topographic point does non intend it is being implemented decently or carried out in the School context. Finally consciousness should be raised on the newest signifiers of strong-arming such as cyber-bullying this should besides be reflected in relevant policy. PSHE lessons can assist raise this consciousness and I feel strong-arming should go a mandatory subject leting the school to discourse non merely strong-arming in general but their ain anti-bullying policy and pattern.DecisionAfter analyzing the research, articles, statistics and other information it does go evident intimidation has of all time so somewhat demised in the last few old ages but non truly plenty. This tells me that the authorities enterprises and policies have had a little consequence in cut downing intimidation. The large job with the anti-bullying policy is that each school has to invent the policy and implement it, which means the policy ‘s effectivity can run dramatically between each school. If the authorities is to win at checking down on strong-arming significantly I feel it is necessary to make the res earch and implement the same effectual policy in each school. It may be utile for the Government to analyze taking states in the battle against strong-arming. The authorities besides needs to listen to the people that this job effects and happen out their positions on the policy that stands.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Greek Mythology View’s of Creation Essay
The story of the creation of the universe has many different versions. In some cultures it is believed that the universe was created by the procreation of the Deathless Creatures. Other cultures believe that the creation of the universe resulted from a big bang in which all of the elements in the world gathered together to create a huge mass and then burst to create life. Lastly, and the most believed version, is that the creation of the universe came from a God who would create the world and everything in it. In the ancient cultures, the Greeks and Romans had many different versions of how the universe was created but most looked to the versions by Hesiod and Ovid. Hesiod was a famous oral poet in Ancient Greece. He is thought to have lived between 750 and 650 BC, but no one knows for sure. Along with Homer, Hesiod is believed to be the earliest of the Greek poets. But it is hard to prove which one had come first. Not only did his writings serve as entertainment, but they were also used in other aspects of Greek living. He taught them farming techniques and is believed to have been the first economist. Not only was he a businessman but he also was keen in astronomy and ancient time keeping. Hesiod is a very important man in Greek History and his early writings showcase his abilities. Theogony by Hesiod gives a Greek version of the creation of the universe. In this book, Hesiod describes how the entire universe was created from the Deathless Creature, Gaia. But he described that before Gaia came, the only thing that was in existence was Chaos. â€Å"In truth at first Chaos came to be†(Hesiod, Theogony 116). According to Theogony, Chaos suddenly rose out of nothing. Hesiod talks about how me might have been created from the area between Gaia, earth, and Tartarus, a massive pit in the earth below the underworld. After Chaos, Gaia was the next creature to be created. It was created as a place for the Gods and mortals to live in peace and harmony. With Gaia came the terrain of the world. The next Deathless Creature that came was Tartarus, a massive pit in the earth below the underworld. Ironically, Tartarus is where Zeus would banish all of the Deathless Creatures. What interested me is that the next Deathless Creature from Hesiod’s story of creation is Eros. Eros is the personification of love. I started to wonder how all of the other gods were created if there was no such thing as procreation at the time. And then I did some research and learned that before Eros the Gods were created through parthenogenesis. According to Webster’s Dictionary, Parthenogenesis is â€Å"development of an egg without fertilization†. This occurs when a male and female specimen is not needed to create an embryo. Just like the hammerhead or the blacktip shark, which can procreate without a male being. Eros changed the ways of the world with love. Chaos had many children, including Erebus and Nyx. Erebus and Nyx were born roughly around the same. Erebus was the male personification of the darkness while Nyx was the female personification of the night. Erebus and Nyx then went on to have children, Aether, the atmosphere and Hemera, the day. â€Å"From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night Nyx; of Night were born Aether being the bright upper atmosphere and Day Hemera, whom she conceived and bore from union with Erebus her brother†(Hesiod 11. 116-138). The next lines in Theogony talk about Gaia giving birth to two children, Pontus and Uranus. All of the creatures represent something, this trend continues with Gaia’s children. Pontus represents the sea and Uranus represents the heavens. She created them so that she would be covered. Finally, after all of the deathless creatures were created, Gaia and Uranus came together to make the first real gods, which were known as the Titans. There were twelve Titans in all and are referred to as the second generation. The male Titans were: Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius, and Lapetus. The female Titans were: Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, and Themis. Along with the twelve Titans, there were also three Cyclopes and three Hekatonkheires born. In Hesiod’s Theogony, Uranus was so disgusted by his children, the Hekatonkheires, that he banished them somewhere in Gaia. Gaia was so upset that she told her Titans to punish their father. The only one that was willing to do so was the youngest, Cronus. He castrated his father as revenge. From the castration many more creatures were born. For example, the furies were born from the blood that was spread all throughout the Earth and Aphrodite was born when Cronus threw the severed private parts into the Sea. The third and final Generation to be born from the deathless creatures was the children of Cronus and Rhea. It was prophesized to him that one of his children would over throw him. Cronus took preemptive measures and thought out an ingenious plan of swallowing his children after they were born. He had six children and one-by-one he would swallow them. His first-born child was named Hestia who was subsequently eaten. Soon to follow in her path were Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. Zeus was the last child to be born, but Rhea could not stand to see another one of her children eaten so she replaced him with a stone. The poem does not state how, but Cronus puked up the remaining five children and they all waged war on their father. Zeus would eventually win and become king. He would then do what many of the other gods had done and banish his father. He sent them all to the bottom of Tartarus where they would never be able to escape. Hesiod’s Theogony first starts off the creation process by bringing darkness, Chaos, and creating things from that. Then it gets into the procreation of the brothers and sisters, and mothers and sons. From that point, the Olympic gods mate with each other and mortal humans as well. This is one version of the Greek story of the Creation of the Universe. Ovid is a Roman poet and in his poem, Metamorphoses, it also speaks of the creation of the universe. In his poem, he splits up the human race into Four Ages: Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages. They tell of different times in the universe’s history. At first, there is nothing. Then a god comes and organizes everything and puts it where it’s supposed to be. For example, he puts fire in the farthest part of the universe and so forth. Ovid then gives 3 stories of how mankind was created recreated. First, It then talks about how the god, Prometheus, created the human race as a replica of the God. Then Ovid talks about a war that goes on between the gods and the Giants. During that war the giants stack mountains on top of each other to reach Mount Olympus. But Zeus then knocks over the pile of mountains and all of the Giants are crushed under the rubble. Meanwhile, their blood seeps through the earth. From the blood, humans arose. The final form of creation that Ovid speaks of occurs after the flood. Zeus is upset with the Humans and wants to kill all of them. He sends a massive flood to the earth to wipe them all out. When he comes to a hill he sees two pious people and decided to let them live. The two survivors, Deucalion and Pyrrha, are the ones with recreate the human race. They take the mother bones and throw them over their shoulders. From each bone, a human would sprout up. In the Bible, the story of Genesis talks about the creation of the universe. It states the God created the universe in sex days and rested on the seventh. On each day God creates a different thing. The last thing he creates was the human race. He created them last and they were created as an image of God. According to the two poems and the chapter in the Bible, the story of the creation of the universe happened it three very different ways. In Hesiod’s version, the world and nature around it all came from Mother Earth, Gaia. And the human race came from the love that was spread by Aphrodite and Eros. In Ovid’s version, the world was a chaotic mess and it was an unknown god that restored order into the world. The bible is the only version to give a time of how long it took to create the world and everything in it. Even though there are many differences in the stories, there are also a lot of similarities as well One similarity that all of the accounts of creation hold are the human race was last to be created in all versions. Mankind came after everything in the world was created for them. Another similarity is that the humans were created as an image of God. Lastly, the final similarity that comes from all the versions is; the universe started off as nothing (pure darkness) and then a god came and began the process of creation. In conclusion, Hesiod’s version of creation takes about the promiscuous ways of the gods and titans. Their promiscuity is what created the world and everything in it. According to Ovid’s version, an unknown god created the world and everything in it and gives stories of how the humans were created and recreated. In the Book of Genesis, God created the world in seven days; as well as everything in it. All three versions of creation did have some differences in their stories, but in they all ended with the creation of mankind. Works Cited Hesiod, and Norman Oliver Brown. Theogony;. New York: Liberal Arts, 1953. Print. â€Å"Hesiod’s Creation Myth. †Women in Greek Myths. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . Ovidius, and Mary M. Innes. The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1985. Print. Separating, By. â€Å"Xeno. ovid2. †Larryavisbrown. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . â€Å"SparkNotes: Metamorphoses: Plot Overview. †SparkNotes: Today’s Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . â€Å"Theogony. †Free Book Reviews | Book Summaries | Shvoong – Summaries & Reviews. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . â€Å"The Theogony of Hesiod. †Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Chivilary essays
Chivilary essays In Medieval times, nights went by a code called chivalry. Chivalry was the order of knighthood and the code of knightly behavior. Many of the tenets of Chivalry were displayed throughout the Arthurian legend. The Lady of the Lake and Excalibur displayed such aspects of chivalric code. The great King Arthur even though young and foolish began to exemplify these tenets of chivalry such as: loyalty, generous treatment of foes, and fearlessness. Loyalty was present in two ways in the story. For example, when the three ruffians were chasing Merlin, Arthur came to Merlins side and protected him. With that, Arthur showed his Loyalty to Merlin. The tenet of loyalty was also present in Merlin. Merlin illustrated loyalty in more than one way. When King Pellinore was about to kill Arthur, with a purpose of saving Arthurs life, Merlin cast a sleeping spell on King Pellinore. During the jousting with King Pellinore, Arthur broke his magical sword, which prevailed him as the future king. Merlin saw that Arthur would receive a new sword. With that, Merlin took Arthur to the Lady of the Lake and Arthur obtained the powerful Excalibur. Finally Merlin, as Arthurs guardian, warned Arthur not to fight King Pellinore again. The importance of loyalty is many times overlooked. Only through loyalty can trust be built on. Without the concept of trust, the world as a whole would not be able to function very well. We, as people, have it in our hearts to help each other. In order to help one another, people need to have a connection of trust. If we did not have trust in each other, than people would never help each other. This all ties back to loyalty and without it the world is a darker place. For foes were something Arthur could not live without. In order to exemplify class, Arthur treated many of his foes with generosity and kindness. In the story, Arthur did not attack King Pellinore when he had a ch...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Official Listing of Countries by Region of the World
Official Listing of Countries by Region of the World The 196 countries of the world can be logically divided into eight regions based on their geography, mostly aligning with the continent on which they are located. That said, some groupings dont strictly adhere to divisions by continent. For example, the Middle East and North Africa are separated from sub-Saharan Africa along cultural lines. Likewise, the Caribbean and Central America are grouped separately from North and South America due to similarities based on latitudes. Asia Asia stretches from former stans of the USSR to the Pacific Ocean. There are 27 countries in Asia and it is the worlds largest and most populous region, with about 60 percent of the worlds population living there. The region boasts five of the 10 most populous countries in the world, with India and China taking the top two spots. BangladeshBhutanBruneiCambodiaChinaIndiaIndonesiaJapanKazakhstanNorth KoreaSouth KoreaKyrgyzstanLaosMalaysiaMaldivesMongoliaMyanmarNepalPhilippinesSingaporeSri LankaTaiwanTajikistanThailandTurkmenistanUzbekistanVietnam Middle East, North Africa, and Greater Arabia The 23 countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and Greater Arabia include some countries not traditionally considered as part of the Middle East (such as Pakistan). Their inclusion is based on culture. Turkey is also sometimes placed in lists of Asian and Europan countries since geographically, it straddles them both. In the last 50 years of the 20th century, due to a decline in mortality rates and a high rate of the fertility rate, this region grew faster than any other in the world. As a result, demographics there skew young, while in many more developed regions, such as in Asia, Europe, and North America, population bubbles skew older. AfghanistanAlgeriaAzerbaijan (The former republics of the Soviet Union are typically lumped into one region, nearly 30 years after independence. In this listing, theyve been placed where most appropriate.)BahrainEgyptIranIraqIsrael (Israel may be located in the Middle East, but it is certainly an outsider culturally and perhaps better belongs attached to Europe, like its seaward neighbor and European Union member state, Cyprus.)JordanKuwaitLebanonLibyaMoroccoOmanPakistanQatarSaudi ArabiaSomaliaSyriaTunisiaTurkeyThe United Arab EmiratesYemen Europe The European continent and its local region contain 48 countries and stretches from North America and back to North America as it encompasses Iceland and all of Russia. As of 2018, data shows that about three-quarters of its population live in urban areas. Having so many peninsulas, and the region itself being a peninsula of Eurasia, means a wealth of coastline on its mainland- more than 24,000 miles (38,000 kilometers) of it, in fact. AlbaniaAndorraArmeniaAustriaBelarusBelgiumBosnia and HerzegovinaBulgariaCroatiaCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGeorgiaGermanyGreeceHungaryIceland (Iceland straddles the Eurasian plate and the North American plate, so geographically it is halfway between Europe and North America. However, its culture and settlement are clearly European in nature.)IrelandItalyKosovoLatviaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMacedoniaMaltaMoldovaMonacoMontenegroNetherlandsNorwayPolandPortugalRomaniaRussiaSan MarinoSerbiaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandUkraineUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The United Kingdom is the country composed of the constituent entities known as England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.)Vatican City North America Economic powerhouse North America includes only three countries but it takes up most of a continent and is thus a region onto itself. Since it stretches from the Arctic to the tropics, North Americ includes almost all the major climate biomes. In the farthest reaches north, the region stretches halfway around the world- from Greenland to Alaska- but at its farthest point south, Panama has a narrow point thats only 31 miles (50 kilometers) wide. CanadaGreenland (Greenland is an autonomous territory of Denmark, not an independent country.)MexicoThe United States of America Central America and the Caribbean Among the 20 countries of Central America and the Caribbean, none are landlocked, and half are islands. In fact, there is no location in Central America that is more than 125 miles (200 kilometers) from the sea. Volcanoes and earthquakes go hand in hand in this region, as many of the islands in the Caribbean are volcanic in origin and not dormant. Antigua and BarbudaThe BahamasBarbadosBelizeCosta RicaCubaDominicaDominican RepublicEl SalvadorGrenadaGuatemalaHaitiHondurasJamaicaNicaraguaPanamaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesTrinidad and Tobago South America Twelve countries occupy South America, which stretches from the equator to nearly the Antarctic Circle. Its separated from Antarctica by the Drake Passage which is 600 miles wide (1,000 kilometers). Mount Aconcagua, located in the Andes Mountains in Argentina near Chile is the highest point in the Western Hemisphere. At 131 feet (40 meters) below sea level, the Valdà ©s Peninsula, located in southeastern Argentina is the hemispheres lowest point. Many Latin American countries are experiencing a financial contraction (such as unfunded pensions for an aging populace, deficit government spending, or the inability to spend on public services) and also have some of the most closed economies in the world. ArgentinaBoliviaBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorGuyanaParaguayPeruSurinameUruguayVenezuela Sub-Saharan Africa There are 48 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. (Some of these countries are actually intra-Saharan or within the Sahara Desert.) Nigeria is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world, and by the year 2050, will overtake the United States as the worlds third most populous nation. As a whole, Africa is the second largest and second most populous continent. Most countries in sub-Saharan Africa achieved independence between the 1960s and 1980s, so their economies and infrastructure are still developing. This is is proving most difficult for countries that are landlocked due to the extra hurdles in transportation and right of way they must overcome to get their goods to and from port. AngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeThe Central African RepublicChadComorosRepublic of the CongoThe Democratic Republic of the CongoCote dIvoireDjiboutiEquatorial GuineaEritreaEthiopiaGabonThe GambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauKenyaLesothoLiberiaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanSwazilandTanzaniaTogoUgandaZambiaZimbabwe Australia and Oceania The 15 countries of Australia and Oceania vary widely by culture and occupy a large swath of the world ocean. With the exception of continent/country Australia, the region does not occupy a great deal of land. Islands have been known- since Charles Darwin pointed it out- for their endemic species and nowhere is this more apparent than in Australia and Oceania. For instance, about 80 percent of the species in Australia are unique to that country. Endangered species in the region range from those in the ocean to those in the sky. Challenges to conservation include the remote location and fact that much of the areas oceans are outside the direct jurisdiction of the countries there. AustraliaEast Timor (While East Timor lies on an Indonesian [Asian] island, its eastern location requires that it be located in the Oceania nations of the world.)FijiKiribatiMarshall IslandsThe Federated States of MicronesiaNauruNew ZealandPalauPapua New GuineaSamoaSolomon IslandsTongaTuvaluVanuatu
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Management Information Systems at Wal-mart Essay
Management Information Systems at Wal-mart - Essay Example The intention of this study is Wal-mart as the largest retail company in the world that has been on the top of Fortune’s 500 list for several years. It is also the largest employer in the world. Wal-mart deals in general merchandise as well as specialized product lines such as pharmacy, tire and lube express and photo processing. Wal-mart sells high quality branded products to its customers at the lowest prices. Wal-mart achieves this seemingly contradictory combination right using advanced management information systems. In addition, it makes special long term contracts with big suppliers and removes middlemen. The basic idea behind Wal-mart’s business is discount merchandising that is keeping margins low by selling at a large discount but improving the top-line by selling a very large volume of products. In realizing Wal-mart’s corporate strategies in practice, management information systems have played the most significant role. Wal-mart’s supply chain is considered the best in the world due to a very efficient use of information technology. This is the company’s core competency. Wal-mart has been a pioneer of many supply chain management practices based on advanced information systems. The use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is the biggest and most recent of these. The following sections discuss the use of management information systems used by Wal-mart and the strategic advantages derived by the company as a result of them. 3. Wal-mart’s Inventory Management System Wal-mart uses an inventory management system called Retail Link. This system allows the suppliers to have a look at the number of products of each type at the shelves in each retail store of Wal-mart at any given time. In addition, the system gives information about the sales rate for any period say an hour, a day, a week or a year. The suppliers also get real time information about the time of the day their products sell, the accompanying produ cts which it sells and other details. All this information helps the supplier companies in efficient inventory management. In many cases, Wal-mart leaves the stock decisions entirely to the supplier companies. This saves considerable costs in administration. The inventory risks such as stock-outs are hence transferred to the suppliers. This leads to a significant cost reduction (PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2010). 4. Channel Partnership with big companies through information systems Wal-mart has forged several strategic partnerships with major supplier companies. These partnerships have been facilitated by modern information systems and flawless execution. A prominent case study is the strategic partnership between Wal-mart and Procter & Gamble. Both the companies are major players in their sectors. They have developed a common supply chain information sharing channel to better co-ordinate the supply chain activities. What began as a data sharing activity slowly permeated through strateg ic, operational and tactical levels in the two organizations. For achieving their objectives, Wal-mart and P&G together came up with a data highway that allowed the companies to share information on sales at all stores, types and time of sale, shelf information and so on. This drove down costs of both companies and increase customer satisfaction. The conceptual diagram for the data highway is shown in Figure 1.4.1. Figure 1.4.1: Channel Partnership Data Highway between Wal-mart and P&G Source: Grean, Michael; Shaw, Michael J. Supply Chain Integration through Information Sharing: Channel partnership between Wal-mart and Procter & Gamble In this approach, Wal-mart used scanners inside its retail stores to study their own business. The observations were critically analyzed. P&G used consumer buying patterns and compared it with the customer information available from market research or other activities. All the information collected and analyzed by the two companies was collected. This led to
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