Sunday, January 26, 2020
Influence Of Childhood Memories On Writing English Literature Essay
Influence Of Childhood Memories On Writing English Literature Essay This essay will focus on the influence family background and childhood memories have on writers and the theme of their writings. In both the essays chosen for detailed study here, we see how the authors philosophy of life and things that they chose to explore and write about was set way back in their childhood as a result of the traumas they faced. This paper will present an analysis of how the families of Sanders and Maduro shaped the way these authors understand themselves and relate to others. Scott Russell Sanders was the winner of the Mark Twain Award in 2009 and his work A Private History of Awe was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, to a family of cotton farmers, Sanders had a long and distinguished career as Professor of English at Indiana University. The main vision behind his writing is the shift in cultures from a consumerist to a care-giving society (Sanders). In his essay, Under the Influence: Paying the Price for my Fathers Booze, Sanders had chronicled the trauma he and his siblings had to endure because of his fathers alcoholism. In this memoir Sanders recounts the feelings of guilt, shame and helpless that he felt as a child of ten when he saw his fathers unstable and ferocious outbursts after getting drunk. He blamed himself for it and that feeling of guilt hounded him throughout his life. I tell myself he drinks to ease [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] an ache I must have caused by disappointing him somehow (Sanders). To atone for his perceived inadequacies as a child Sanders tried to turn to working hard and trying to keep the family together and taking on his fathers responsibilities, by vainly seeking to erase through my efforts whatever drove him to drink (Sanders). Sanders observes that his own children wonder at what drives him to be a workaholic and tries to allay their fears and any sense of guilt or pressure they may feel by being candid about his own feelings of guilt, hurt and shame at his fathers alcoholism. On maturity he realized that he had castigated himself needlessly as a child and that his fathers alcoholism was a disease and he had no reason to feel responsible for it. However, his fear of drinks and bad conduct that he had witnessed as a child had left a deep scar in his soul. He is reticent about going to pubs with his friends and drinking as much as he is afraid of causing hurt or disappointment to anybody. He is constantly watchful of any adverse reactions from people around him and still carries the shame of his fathers sins deep down inside him and shies away from having that facet of his life exposed in public. The name E.S. Maduro is a pseudonym under which the author talks about her feminist beliefs and her convictions on freedom of choice and awareness for women. She records how her own youthful feelings of rebellion against the social norms of marriage and raising children altered upon maturity but how she clung to her belief that women should have the awareness to make decisions for themselves. They should be allowed to choose their career paths according to their wishes and not be forced into stereotypical roles due to societal pressures. In the essay Excuse Me While I Explode: My Mother, Myself, My Anger the writer describes her feelings of anger, guilt and frustrations when she narrates the story of how her mother and women of that generation had to sacrifice their careers and all their lifes desires to accommodate their families and their duties as home makers and mothers. Excuse Me While I Explode: My Mother, Myself, My Anger first appeared in print as an article in a book entitled The Bitch in the House. In this article Maduro has written about her frustration at the inequality women face in society. It primarily deals with her angst at how she being a post-modern woman who was educated and liberated fell back and did the same things that she has found so loathsome in her mother. She had felt defiant at the way her mother and most women had to give-up their own dreams of a good and successful life to slave at household chores and raising children. Years ago a woman did not have a choice to voice her opinions and the role of housekeeper and dutiful mother was thrust upon her without so much as a thought about how she felt about it. Her toil was taken for granted and the spouse did not even think it inappropriate to allow his wife to do all the housework when he could very easily have offered to help. I believed myself to be a feminist, and I vowed never to fall into the same trap of domestic boredom and servitude that I saw my mother as being fully entrenched in; never to settle for a life that was, as I saw it, lacking independence, authority, and respect (Maduro 5). However, as she grew older and had her own experience of loving and living with her partner she was amazed that she followed the same pattern almost unconsciously and managed both house and work despite her partner wanting to help her with the chores. She puzzles over why this is so because she believed herself to be aware of her rights unlike her mother and in full command over her vocation and what she wanted out of life, yet she slaved at household chores: I feel an odd mixture of frustration and love. Together we have a wonderful, open, trusting relationship, but sometimes I wonder if the hostility already in me, and my need to be angry at someone or something, could eventually destroy our bond (Maduro 12).   The article is an introspection of why she chose to do this. She comes up with the hypothesis that women chose to take on domestic responsibilities even if it meant forgoing some of their own desires because it made a woman proud to be an accomplished home maker and mother. She identified this need in a woman to excel in housekeeping as a source of pleasure and fulfillment. She reflects on the dichotomy between love and frustration, career and home, raising children and vocation and finally finds comfort in the fact that unlike her mother she was not forced into servitude. She did what she did because she wanted to do it, she had the option of turning away and that made a big difference. She is able to resolve her conflict and also that of many other women by reiterating that choosing to be a good housekeeper and mother was an option and you could choose to be one even if you felt strongly for the cause of feminism.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Benjamin Franklin…A Misogynist? Essay
You asked us to read â€Å"Old Mistresses Apologue†to see how Benjamin Franklin begins as a solemn friend and adviser to a young man but soon reveals himself as a hedonistic lecher, then after reading you asked if we see any signs of a misogynist in Benjamin Franklin’s letter. To begin I looked up the word misogynist to get a better understanding of what it meant. According to Webster’s Dictionary, misogynist means a hatred of or hostility toward women, a women hater. After reading Benjamin Franklin’s letter, it was hard to see Mr. Franklin as a women hater. I find him being finicky about his women preferring older to younger women being almost discriminatory towards younger women in general, but not actually a women hater. If anything, he has good things to say about women as a whole. In the very first paragraph of his letter, Benjamin Franklin says great things of women in the state of union with a man. First, he states that â€Å"It is the Man and Woman united that make the compleat human Being.†[sic] Those are powerful word to say if you are a women hater. He also states in the same paragraph that man would be of less value if they were not married and they are incomplete without their better half. Hence his words, â€Å"A single Man has not nearly the Value he would have in that State of Union. He is an incomplete Animal. He resembles that odd Half of a Pair of Scissars.†[sic] Beginning after the first paragraph Benjamin Franklin begins stating increasingly how he would prefer an older woman to a younger one saying; â€Å"you should prefer old Women to young ones.†[sic] Then he proceeds to explain why he believes this theory with eight different reasons. The very first point, Franklin explains that older women are better because they are smarter, more experienced and can hold a conversation that is more interesting than that of a younger women. In his second point, he explains how when women get older they can do more for you and take better care of you. He even states that â€Å"there is hardly a thing as an old woman who is not a good Woman.†[sic] Therefore, if Benjamin Franklin was a misogynist I hardly think he would have stated that women were even good in any right. Benjamin Franklin’s fourth point explains how older women are less likely to stray and if they did it would be more accepted by an older woman than a younger one. Since older women are so willing to take care of younger man and help to shape his values and manners. This can be seen best in this line, â€Å"Because thro’ more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion.†[sic] Now in Benjamin Franklin’s fifth point I see him saying something that can be seen as misogynist comment, â€Å"and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know and old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey.†[sic] That comment to me can be taken as an insult to women, I don’t think that everything below the â€Å"girdle†or waist is what makes all women young and old alike, but I do see Franklin’s point. Now lastly, my favorite comment had to have been in his eighth point when he states that older women are better to marry than young ones because, â€Å"They are so grateful!!†That comment in it self should be an indication that Benjamin Franklin was not a misogynist, he may have said one or two things that can be taken that way. Nevertheless, Franklin seems to like women in general he definitely had more nice things to say about women than anything else, almost as though he couldn’t be without a woman.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Biggest Myth About Samples Critical Response Essay Exposed
The Biggest Myth About Samples Critical Response Essay Exposed Details of Samples Critical Response Essay Therefore, to prevent negative effects, you need to use samples wisely. Also, in the event the sample comprises a works cited list, use it like a foundation for your research. Hope our samples are going to be a fantastic assistance for you! Use the sample for a basis. Characteristics of Samples Critical Response Essay For example, if you write a crucial analysis of a book, you can analyze the tone of its text and discover how it influences the total significance of the book. Aside from having the capacity to consider analytically, writing the crucial response essay demands the student to have a superior knowledge of the novel or article they are writing about. Learn how the composed text is structured in your work. Evaluate whether the author has achieved the purpose of her or his written work. The Argument About Samples Critical Response Essay The purpose of a sample is to offer you a simple idea of the way the author can explain the topic. To be able to demonstrate you have grasped the ideas of the author, you have to bring citations or other references to demonstrate your understanding. Selecting a topic can be challenging. The very first of which can function as an introduction before the last close in the event the author would like to explore a couple of things before finishing off. With the above mentioned advice on how to compose a crucial analysis essay step-by-step, there are items that you need to always remember for a paper that stands out. Give a brief overview of the essential things you have discussed. There are a number of different varieties of critical analysis a student authoring a crucial review paper may be requested to write. If after following the steps and taking note of the advice and tricks, you find it difficult to compose a crucial analysis, don't be afraid to ask aid from EssayPro. The above is almost a clic he, but it's indeed critical to being a superior vital essay writer. Once you have introduced your thesis statement, discuss a bit about the material you're criticizing. The author utilizes substantial scientific proof to back up her argument and provides a personal opinion to emphasize the fundamental significance of individual alternative. Criticizing a part of work doesn't signify which you are personally attacking its creator. In contrast to popular belief by a substantial part of students, critical essay writing isn't about criticizing or focusing on the negative element of analysis. There are many ways how to compose a response paper. Essays written at the previous minute, suffer from the absence of logic and inadequate grammar. Within the analysis, your reaction to the text also needs to be presented. Samples Critical Response Essay and Samples Critical Response Essay - The Perfect Combination If you would like your essay to abide by the formal requirements and app ear presentable, be certain to use the writer's last name or spell out their names in full. There are various types of essays that I would assume most of you are already acquainted with. You may be interested in travel essay examples. You might also have a look at concept essay examples. The Battle Over Samples Critical Response Essay and How to Win It After that, describe how are you going to deal with the subject of your paper. It may even be very helpful to have another person read your essay to make certain that it is simple to comprehend and engaging. You will write a better essay and cannot experience stress if you commence writing earlier than the previous night. A crucial essay is intended to be informative, meaning all claims ought to be backed up by a credible evidence instead of simply stated because it strikes the author's fancy. You could also take a look at scholarship essay examples. The above is of wonderful significance, especially to students who think that critical essays should concentrate on the negative facets of a subject. Try to remember that it's not a narrative essay, rather an essay that is aimed toward analyzing the subject. In the event you were requested to compose a vital essay about The Canterbury Tales, be certain that you are conversant with the material. School Response Essay Writing isn't a breeze. So, you've got to Restate your Thesis. Essays term papers dissertations and a lot more. The Samples Critical Response Essay Stories Avoid using new data in your conclusion under all conditions, especially whenever the info you're using is useful to the argument. Don't make assumptions your reader understands what it is that you're speaking about. A review of the work is subsequently given in order to provide the reader a feeling of what the text is all about. The info will aid your reader understand the essence of the job under analysis.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A List of French Verbs With Correct Prepositions
Many French verbs require a certain preposition in order for their meaning to be complete. Some of the verbs are followed by prepositions à or de and others by no preposition at all. There is no apparent grammar rule to which verbs require a preposition and which do not, so it is a good idea to memorize the ones that do have a preposition attached. The list below is organized alphabetically and includes verbs with prepositions. The prepositions are in italics to make them easy to spot. Abbreviation Key: In the French, quelque chose is listed as qqch and quelquun is written qqun, and in the English, someone is s-o and something is s-t . French Verbs With Prepositions, A to C (sarbriter croire) sabriter contre (le vent) - to take shelter against (the wind)accepter de - to accept, agree toaccuser (qqun) de - to accuse (s-o) ofacheter à - to buy fromacheter (qqch) sur le marchà © - to buy (s-t) at the marketachever de - to finishagir en - to act like/assagir de - to be a question ofaider à - to help toaller - to go, to be going toaller vers (midi) - to go at around (noon)aller vers (Nice) - to go toward (Nice)samuser à infinitive - to amuse oneself ___-ingapercevoir - to perceive, catch sight ofsapercevoir de - to noticeapprendre à - to learn how tosapprà ªter à - to get ready tosapprocher de - to approachapprouver - to approve ofappuyer sur (le bouton) - to press (the button)appuyer sur (le mur) - to lean on (the wall)sappuyer contre (un arbre) - to lean against (a tree)arracher à - to grab, tear away from(s)arrà ªter de - to stop ___-ingarriver à - to manage/succeed in ___-ingarriver de (Paris, Canada) - to arrive from (Paris, Canada)arriver par - t o succeed through/byarriver sur (midi) - to arrive at around (noon)sasseoir contre (son ami) - to sit next to (ones friend)assister à (la rà ©union) - to attend (the meeting)sassurer contre (lincendie) - to insure against (fire)attendre - to wait forsattendre à - to expect tosautoriser à - to authorize / allow toavertir de - to warn aboutavoir à - to have to / be obliged toavoir beau (jai beau essayer) - despite doing (despite trying)avoir besoin de - to needavoir confiance en - to trustavoir envie de - to wantavoir peur de - to be afraid of ___-ingse battre contre - to fight againstblà ¢mer de - to blamese blottir contre (sa mà ¨re, son chien) - to cuddle up next to (ones mother, dog)boire qqchose dans (une tasse) - to drink something out of (a cup)casser en (morceaux, trois) - to break in(to) (pieces, three)cesser de - to stop, cease ___-ingchanger de (train) - to change (trains)se changer en - to change intochercher - to look forchercher à - to attempt tocherche r dans (la boà ®te) - to look in (the box)choisir de - to choose tocommander (à qqun) de faire - to order (someone) to docommencer à - to begin to, to begin ___-ingcommencer par - to begin by ___-ingcompter - to expect, intendcompter pour - to be worthcompter sur - to count onconcentrer sur - to concentrate oncondamner pour (meurtre) - to sentence for (murder)conseiller à - to adviseconseiller à qqun de faire qqch - to advise someone to do somethingconseiller de - to advise toconsentir à - to consent tose contenter de - to be happy ___-ingcontinuer à /de - to continue to, to continue ___-ingconvenir à - to please, to be suitable forconvenir de - to agree toconvertir qqch en - to convert s-t intocopier sur qqun - to copy from s-ocouper en (deux) - to cut in (two)courir - to run (to do something)courir dans (lherbe) - to run through (the grass)coà »ter dans (les cent euros) - to cost about (100 euros)craindre de - to fear ___-ingcraindre pour (sa vie) - to fear f or (ones life)creuser pour - to dig forcroire - to think, believecroire à - to believe somethingcroire en - to believe incroire qqun sur parole - to take someones word French Verbs With Prepositions, D to I (daigner inviter) daigner - to deign todà ©cider (qqun) à  - to persuade (s-o) todà ©cider de - to decide tose dà ©cider à  - to make up ones mind todà ©fendre à (qqun) - to forbid (s-o)dà ©fendre à  qqun de faire qqch - to forbid s-o to do s-tdà ©fendre de (qqch) - to forbid (s-t)se dà ©guiser en - to disguise oneself asdemander - to ask fordemander à (qqun) - to ask (someone)demander à (faire qqch) - to ask (for permission to do something)demander à  qqun de faire qqch - to ask s-o to do s-tse dà ©pà ªcher de - to hurry todà ©pendre de - to depend ondà ©plaire à  - to displease / be displeasing todà ©ranger qqun de - to bother s-o todescendre - to go down(stairs)dà ©sirer - to wantdà ©sobà ©ir à  - to disobeydà ©tester - to hatedevoir - to have to, be obliged todire à (qqun) - to say to, to tell (s-o)dire à  qqun de faire qqc h - to tell someone to do somethingdiriger son attention sur - to direction ones attention tose diriger vers - to move toward/make/head fordonner qqch - to give somethingdonner qqch contre - to give something in exchange fordonner qqch à  qqun - to give s-o s-t, to give s-t to s-odonner sur - to overlook, open ontodormir (la nuit) - to sleep (at night)douter de - to doubtà ©changer qqch contre qqch - to exchange something for s-t elseà ©couter (la radio) - to listen to (the radio)à ©crire en (encre, franà §ais) - to write in (ink, French)à ©crire sur - to write aboutsefforcer de - to endeavor toemmener - to takesemparer de - to grabempà ªcher de - to prevent, keep from ___-ingsempresser de - to hurry toemprunter un livre à  qqun - to borrow a book from s-oencourager qqun à  faire - to encourage s-o to dosendormir sur (un livre , son travail) - to fall asleep (over a book, at work)sengager à  - to get around toennuyer qqun de - to bother/upset s-o toenseigner à  - to teach toentendre - to hearentrer - to enter (in order to do something)entrer dans - to enterenvoyer (qqch) à (qqun) - to send (s-t) to (s-o)envoyer chercher - to send foressayer - to try onessayer de - to try tosà ©tendre sur - to spread out oversà ©tonner de - to be astonished byà ªtre à  - to belong toà ªtre censà ©Ã‚ - to be supposed toà ªtre en colà ¨re contre - to be angry atà ªtre pour - to be in favor ofà ªtre vers (Paris, 3h00) - to be around/near (Paris, 3:00)sexcuser de - to apologize for ___-ingse fà ¢cher contre - to get mad atfaillir - to almost do somethingfaire infinitive (causative) - to cause tofaire attention à  - to pay attention tofalloir (il faut) - to be necessary tofà ©liciter  qqun de - to congratulate s-o for/onfermer la porte sur soi - to close the door behind oneselfse fier à (qqun) - to trust (s-o)se figurer - to imagine, picturefinir de - to finish ___-ingfinir par - to end up ___-ing / to finally do s-tfouiller dans (qqch) - to look through (s-t)goà »ter à  qqch - to taste somethinggrignoter qqch - to nibble on, eat away at somethinggronder de - to scold for ___-inghabiter (à ) - optional preposition - to live inhabiter par (ici) - to live around (here)shabituer à  - to get used tose hà ¢ter de - to hurry tohà ©riter de (qqch / qqun) - to inherit (s-t / from s-o)hà ©siter à  - to hesitate toignorer - to be unaware ofsimaginer - to imagineinterdire à  - to forbidinterdire à  qqun de faire qqch - to forbid s-o to do s-tsintà ©resser à  - to be interested ininterroger qqun sur qqch - to question s-o about s-tinviter (qqun) à  - to invite (s-o) to French Verbs With Prepositions, J to P (jeter punir de) jeter (qqch) à  - to throw (s-t) tose jeter sur qqun - to throw oneself upon someonejouer à  - to play (a game or a sport)jouer de - to play (an instrument)jouir de - to enjoyjurer par - to swear bylaisser - to allowlaisser pour (mort) - to leave for (dead)lire dans (le journal) - to read in (the paper)loucher sur - to oglemanger dans la main à qqun - to eat out of someones handmanger dans lassiette - to eat off of a platemanquer à  - to miss someonemanquer de - to neglect, fail to (do s-t), to lackse mà ©fier de - to distrust, beware ofmà ªler à  - to mingle with / to join inmà ©riter de - to deserve tomà ©surer en (mà ¨tres) - to measure in (meters)mettre - to put onmettre son espoir dans - to pin ones hopes onse mettre à  - to start, set about ___-ingse mettre contre le mur - to stand against the wallse mettre en colà ¨re - to get madse mettre en route - to set outmonter - to go up, climbse moquer de - to make fun ofnier - to denynuire à  - to harmobà ©ir à  - to obeyobliger à  - to oblige toobtenir qqch par - to obtain something bysoccuper de - to be busy withoffrir de - to offer toordonner à qqun de faire qqch - to order s-o to do s-toser - to dareoublier de - to forget toparaà ®tre - to appear, seempardonner à  - to pardon, forgiveparler à  - to talk toparler de - to talk aboutparler pour - to speak on behalf ofpartir dans (10 minutes) - to leave in (10 minutes)partir dans (les montagnes) - to leave for (the mountains)partir de - to leavepartir pour - to leave for/be off toparvenir à  - to succeed in ___-ingse passer de - to do withoutpasser du temps à  - to spend time ___-ingpayer (le repas) - to pay for (the meal)payer pour (qqun) - to pay for (someone)se pencher pour - to bend down in order topenser faire - to plan on, intend topenser à  - to think about (imagine)penser de - to think about (opinion)perdre du temps à  - to waste time ___-ingpermettre à  - to permit(se) permettre de - to allow (oneself) topermettre à qqun de faire qqch - to allow s-o to do s-tpersister à  - to persist in ___-ingpersuader de - to persuade tose plaindre de - to complain aboutplaire à  - to please / be pleasing tose plaire à  - to take pleasure in ___-ingpleurer - to cry aboutpleuvoir dans (la France) - to rain in (France)pousser (qqun) à  - to push/urge (s-o) topouvoir - to be able toprà ©fà ©rer - to preferprà ©fà ©rer ___ à ___ - to prefer ___ to/over ___, to like ___ more than ___prendre garde de - to be careful not toprendre le parti de - to decide toprendre modà ¨le sur qqun - to model oneself on someoneprendre qqch dans (une boà ®te) - to take s-t from (a box)prendre qqun par (la main) - to take s-o by (the hand)se prà ©parer à  - to prepare oneself tose presser de - to hurry toprà ©tendre - to claimprier - to pray toprier de - to beg toprofiter à  - to benefit / be profitable toprofiter de - to make the most ofpromettre à qqun de faire qqch - to promise s-o to do s-tpromettre de - to promise toproposer de - to suggest ___-ingpuer - to stink ofpunir de - to punish for French Verbs With Prepositions, Q to V (questionner voyager) questionner qqun sur qqch - to question s-o about s-tquà ªter pour (les orphelins) - to collect for (orphans)recommencer à  - to begin ___-ing againrecompenser de - to reward forrà ©flà ©chir à  - to consider ___-ingrà ©flà ©chir sur - to think about, reflect uponrefuser de - to refuse toregarder - to watch, look atregarder dans (la boà ®te) - to look in (the box)regarder vers (le sud) - to face/look (south)rà ©gner sur - to reign overregretter de - to regret ___-ingrejeter une faute sur qqun - to place the blame on someoneremercier de - to thank for ___-ingremercier pour - to thank forse rendre compte de - to realizerenoncer à  - to give up ___-ingrentrer - to go homerà ©pondre à  - to answerrà ©sister à  - to resistressembler à  - to resembleressembler par - to resemble due torester sur la dà ©fensive - to stay on the defensiverester sur ses gardes - to keep ones guard upretourner - to return, go backrà ©ussir - to make a success of, to pull offrà ©ussir à  - to succeed in ___-ingrà ©ussir à lexamen - to pass the testrevenir - to come backrevenir sur (un sujet) - to go back over (a topic)rà ªver à  - to dream of ___-ingrà ªver de - to dream of ___-ingrire de - to laugh atrisquer - to risk (something)risquer de - to risk ___-ingsauter sur une occasion - to jump at an opportunitysavoir - to know howsembler - to seemsentir - to feel, to smell (of)serrer la main à (qqun) - to shake hands with (s-o)serrer qqun contre sa poitrine/son coeur - to hug someoneservir - to serveservir à  - to be used as/forservir de - to put to use asse servir de - to make use ofsigner pour (quelquun) - to sign on behalf of (someone)soigner - to take care ofsonger à  - to dream / think ofsopposer à  - to opposesortir - to go out (in order to do something)sortir par (la fenà ªtre) - to leave by (the window)se soucier de - to care aboutsouhaiter - to wishse souvenir de - to remembersubir - to be subjected tosuccà ©der à  - to succeed, followsupplier de - to be / beseechsurvivre à  - to survivetà ¢cher de - to try totarder à  - to delay / be late in ___-ingtà ©là ©phoner à qqun - to calltà ©là ©phoner à qqun de faire qqch - to call s-o to do s-ttà ©là ©phoner pour (le problà ¨me) - to phone about (the problem)tenir à  - to hold (s-o) to, to insist on ___-ingtenir de - to take after, resembletirer sur - to shoot attourner sur (là ©glise, la droite) - to turn (toward the church, right)tourner vers (la droite) - to turn to (the right)traduire en (franà §ais) - to translate into (French)traduire vers (le franà §ais) - to translate into (French)transformer qqch (en qqch) - to change s-t (into s-t)travailler pour - to work forse tromper de - to mistaketroquer qqch contre qqch - to swap something for s-t elsevaloir mieux - to be preferablese vendre en (bouteilles) - to be sold in (bottles)venir (dà ®ner, aider) - to come (for dinner, to help)venir à  - to happen tovenir de - to have just (done s-t)venir par (la cà ´te) - to come along/by (the coast)vivre dans (la misà ¨re, la peur) - to live in (poverty, fear)vivre de (ses rentes) - to live on (ones income)voir - to seevoter contre - to vote againstvoter pour - to vote forvouloir - to wantvoyager en (train, taxi) - to travel by (train, taxi)
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